Hebrew University link
national program for quality indicators in community healthcare
quality definition

الجودة الطبية هي عبارة عن قدرة الخدمات الصحية على رفع احتمال الحصول على نتائج صحية مطلوبة بالتوافق مع الأدبيات المهنيه المحتلنة

quality definition

Quality of care is the degree to which health services for individuals and populations increase the likelihood of desired health outcomes and are consistent with current professional knowledge

(Institute of Medicine 1990)

quality definition

איכות רפואית היא המידה שבה שירותי הבריאות מגדילים את ההסתברות לתוצאי בריאות רצויים, בהלימה לידע המקצועי העדכני.
Quality healthcare includes (Institute of Medicine 2001)
report cover

Safe care – avoiding injuries to patients from the care that is intended to help them

Effective care – providing scientifically-based treatment to benefit the patient

Efficient care – avoiding waste

Timely care – reducing waits and harmful delays in care

Equitable Care – providing care that does not vary because of personal characteristics